Last updated: 8 AUGUST 2024

User Agreement

The foundational document outlining the terms and conditions governing your interaction with our platform. Thank you for your dedication to understanding and upholding our User Agreement.

User Agreement

Last updated on 7/5/2024

Welcome! Thanks for visiting CoinsDo, a wallet technology service platform operated by and proprietary to CoinsDo Pte. Ltd. (“CoinsDo”, “we”, “our” or “us”). Please read the following terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully as they form a contract between you and us. These Terms govern your access and use of our Services. “Services” refers individually and collectively to the CoinsDo website, CoinsDo Corporate Backend, API, all mobile applications (CoinGet, CoinSend, CoinSign and CoinWallet), CoinSign extension for desktop, any software and any additional security services (such as CoinFace) provided by CoinsDo.

By accessing or using the Services, purchasing Services, registering for a corporate account with us, you are accepting and agreeing to these Terms and the policies and guidelines referenced in these Terms. CoinsDo reserves the right to change, modify or supplement these Terms at our discretion and at any time, by posting the changed, modified or supplemented Terms through CoinsDo official website or through such other means as we may deem appropriate. Your continued use of CoinsDo’s Services following the posting of any change, modification or supplement will constitute your acceptance of such change, modification or supplement. If any Terms of this User Agreement is unacceptable to you, please do not visit, access, or use CoinsDo and its Services.

1. Digital Assets

1.1 About digital assets

“Digital Asset” also called a “cryptocurrency,” “virtual currency,” “digital currency,” or “virtual commodity”, such as bitcoin or ether, which is a digital representation of value based on (or built on top of) a cryptographic protocol of a computer network. CoinsDo only provides the safest and most reliable wallet technology services for your digital assets, including CoinGet, CoinSend, CoinSign and CoinWallet. This means that you fully own the digital asset and its associated private keys. Any transfers related to your digital assets will require further verification of the identity private key. Therefore, if your private key is lost or leaked due to your improper custody (for whatever reason), you will be responsible for any resulting digital assets loss.

1.2 Supported digital assets

There are more than 25 main digital assets currently supported by CoinsDo, and you can add tokens as many as you want. These cover almost all the popular and most common currencies on the market. CoinsDo will also update the currency list every month according to the latest market conditions to meet the needs of all our corporate clients.

1.3 About Gas fee

“Gas fees” are the transaction fees that users pay to miners on a blockchain protocol to have their transaction included in the block. The system works on a standard supply and demand mechanism. If there is more demand for transactions, miners can choose to include the transactions that pay more, compelling users to pay more to have their transactions processed quickly and efficiently. You acknowledge and understand that we do not hold and manage your digital assets, and you are responsible for paying the gas fee incurred from using our CoinGet and/or CoinSend.

1.4 Managing your private keys

You are solely responsible for the safekeeping of all private keys (including but not limited to private keys generated by wallet applications CoinGet/CoinSend and identity private keys generated by local servers and/or CoinSign) and maintaining the relevant secure backups of all private keys and any passwords that you use to encrypt them. If you appoint a third party to control one or more of your private key(s), we are not responsible for the actions or omissions of such third party. Control of these keys will allow such third party to transfer all your Digital Assets from your wallets and you may never regain those Digital Assets.

1.5 Passwords and Security

You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of all log in IDs, passwords, private keys and any other codes that you use to access our Service. You will be solely responsible for all private keys (including but not limited to private keys generated by wallet applications CoinGet/CoinSend and identity private keys generated by local servers and/or CoinSign) and maintaining secure back-ups. You will prevent unauthorized access to or use of our Services using your account credentials or private keys and notify us promptly of any such unauthorized access or use. You must keep your account ID, passwords and any other account credentials confidential and not authorize any third party to access or use the Service on your behalf. You are solely responsible for all activity that takes place with your CoinsDo corporate account accessed using your account credentials, whether ist authorized by you.

1.6 Taxes

The package fees of CoinsDo have included any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any nature, including, for example, value-added, sales, use or withholding taxes, assessable by any jurisdiction whatsoever (collectively, “Taxes”).

2. Services

2.1 CoinGet

CoinGet can generate a large number of receiving addresses according to your business scale. Once the set collection amount of the receiving address is reached, it will automatically complete the collection to your set collecting address, thereby ensuring the security of assets.

2.2 CoinSend

CoinSend allows you to appoint different roles for the data submission, data approval, and approval execution. Any dispatching command will be verified by identity signature to ensure that such command has not been tampered with and come from the trusted devices with trusted roles.

2.3 CoinSign

CoinSign uses HMAC-SHA256 and RSA asymmetric signature algorithm to help you complete the approval, transfer or configuration of the wallet on client-side safely.

2.4 CoinWallet

CoinWallet is a decentralized wallet designed specifically for end consumer which provides the highest level of security for storing the digital currencies. By holding the private key, the wallet owner can easily manage his multi-wallets in one account. Multi-mainnets and testnets also can satisfy all needs of the professionals.

2.5 CoinFace

CoinFace can effectively prevent face spoofing attacks, therefore help corporations identify user information and elevate the overall risk management level.

2.6 CoinsDo Corporate Backend

CoinsDo corporate backend allows you to systematically manage collecting and dispatching digital assets, including adding, configuring and authorizing devices. In addition, you can also create sub-accounts, configure their permissions, and access the API.

2.7 Product Updates

CoinsDo may, in its sole discretion, make unscheduled deployments of changes, updates or enhancements to the CoinsDo Service at any time. We may add or remove functionalities or features, and we may discontinue the Service altogether. However, whenever there is a new version of the wallet applications, we will notify you via all available manners, including but not limited to sending email, publishing on notice board or official website.

3. Data protection and Security

3.1 Your Privacy

Please review our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) to understand our commitments in maintaining your privacy. You agree to the collection, use and disclosure of information as described in Privacy Policy.

3.2 Security Breach

If you suspect that your CoinsDo corporate account or any of your security details have been compromised or if you become aware of any fraud or attempted fraud or any other security incident (including a cyber-security attack) affecting you (collectively a “Security Breach”), you need to notify us promptly of any such unauthorized access or use, and we will take action by suspending or closing your corporate account. Prompt reporting of a Security Breach does not guarantee that we will reimburse you for any losses suffered or be liable to you for any losses suffered as a result of the Security Breach. It is your responsibility to keep all passwords safe and bear any loss as stated in Section 1.5.

3.3 Computer Viruses

We shall not bear any liability, whatsoever, for any damage or interruptions caused by any computer viruses or other malicious code that may affect your computer or other equipment, or any phishing, spoofing or other attack. You should also be aware that SMS and email services are vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attacks, including but not limited to the messages originated from CoinsDo. You shall always log into your CoinsDo corporate backend for reviewing any transactions or required actions if you have any uncertainty regarding the authenticity of any communication or notice.

3.4 Suspension and Termination

We reserve the right, to temporarily suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time in our sole discretion, with or without cause, and with or without notice, without incurring liability of any kind. For example, we may suspend or terminate your access to or use of the Service for: (a) the actual or suspected violation of these Terms; (b) scheduled downtime and recurring downtime, or unplanned technical problems and outages.

3.5 Unacceptable Use

You will not, nor encourage or assist any third party to,

(a) use any unauthorized means to gain access to the Service or use any automated process or service (such as a bot, a spider, or periodic caching of information stored by CoinsDo) to access or use the Service, or distribute instructions, software or tools for that purpose;

(b) modify, alter, tamper with, repair or otherwise create derivative works of the Service;

(c) interfere with or disrupt servers or networks used by CoinsDo to provide the Service;

(d) damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Service (or any network connected to the Service);

(e) use the account of another user at any time except by a mechanism provided by CoinsDo and authorized by such user;

(f) use the Service in any manner or for any purpose other than as expressly permitted by these Terms, the Privacy Policy and any other policies available via the Service (“Policies”);

(g) engage in any unlawful or fraudulent activity or perpetrate a hoax or engage in phishing schemes or forgery or other similar falsification or manipulation of data;

(h) send unsolicited or unauthorized junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other form of duplicative or unsolicited messages, whether commercial or otherwise. We may determine, in its sole discretion, whether and what action to take in response to a claimed violation of these Terms, and any action or inaction in a particular instance will not dictate or limit our response to a future complaint.

3.6 Feedback

In the event that you provide comments, suggestions and recommendations to us with respect to the Services (including modifications, enhancements, improvements or suggested changes to the Services, or any feature or function of the Services) (collectively, “Feedback”), you hereby grant us a universe-wide, royalty free, irrevocable, perpetual license to make, use, import, offer for sale, sell, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, display, publicly perform and otherwise exploit such Feedback without restriction, including in connection with the Services and any updates, extensions or successive versions of the Services.

4. User Content

4.1 Your Content

You are responsible for the Content that you provide or make available via the Service (“User Content”). We will have no liability of any kind as a result of the deletion of, correction of, destruction of, damage to, loss of or failure to store or encrypt any User Content. If your access to the Service is suspended or terminated, you will not have access to the User Content.

4.2 License

You hereby grant us the right, to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display and disclose User Content as reasonably necessary to provide the Service or as otherwise permitted by these Terms. You represent and warrant that: (a) you have all the rights in the User Content that you provide necessary for you to use the Service and to grant the rights in these Terms; and (b) the storage, use, display, reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation or transmission of such User Content doesn’t violate any law or these Terms.

4.3 Responsibility

You will:

(a) be solely responsible for the nature, quality and accuracy of the User Content;

(b) ensure that the User Content (including the storage or transmission thereof) complies with these Terms, any applicable laws and regulations; and

(c) maintain appropriate security, protection and backup copies of the User Content.

5. No Warranties

Access to and use of the Services is at your own risk. CoinsDo provides services “as is”, “including all errors” and “as available”. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, CoinsDo makes no (and expressly disclaims all) representations or warranties of any kind, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to: (a) any warranty that the service will not be interrupted, be free from errors or harmful components, the content will be safe or free from loss or damage; (b) any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement; or (c) any warranties arising from any course of performance, course of dealing or trade practice. CoinsDo makes no warranties or representations and disclaims all responsibility and liability with respect to (i) the completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the Services or any Content; (ii) as a result of your access to or any damage to your computer system, loss of data or other damage caused by the use of the Service or any Content; (iii) deletion or failure to store or transmit any Content and other communications maintained by the Service; (iv) whether the Service meets your requirements or whether it is available on an uninterrupted, secure or error-free basis. Any advice or information, whether oral, obtained from CoinsDo and its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, partners or licensors (collectively, the “Published Entities”) or through the Services Or in writing, it does not create any warranty or representation.

6. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold CoinsDo and its officers, agents, employees, partners, suppliers, and licensors harmless from any claim, action, investigation or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or relating to:

(a) User Content;

(b) use of the Service by you or under your CoinsDo corporate account; or

(c) your violation of these Terms. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action, investigation or demand that is subject to your indemnification obligation.

7. Limitations of Liability


8. Arbitration

8.1 You and CoinsDo agree that any dispute, claim or controversy (including breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity, including determining the scope or applicability of these Terms) arising out of or in connection with these Terms or any Service shall be resolved by arbitration Binding arbitration rather than a court of general jurisdiction. The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be English. You agree that both you and CoinsDo waive your right to a trial by jury and to participate in a class action. This arbitration clause survives the termination of the other clauses.

8.2 The arbitrator shall not have the power to award damages that are limited or waived by these Terms (such as punitive damages, treble damages, or any other damages which are not compensatory), to the extent such limitation or waiver is permitted under applicable law, and the parties waive any right to recover any such damages. Further, the arbitrator shall have no power to issue any award that is contrary to or inconsistent with any applicable statute, case law or constitutional law, to modify, change or excuse performance of any material term of these Terms, or to award equitable relief. The arbitration proceedings and decision of the arbitrator shall be kept confidential (and may not be disclosed) by the parties or the arbitrator, except to the extent necessary to compel any award made by the arbitrator.

9. Other Terms

9.1 Entire Agreement

These Terms, including the Privacy Policy, the Wallet Technology Service Agreement and other terms, policies and guidelines incorporated by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and CoinsDo and govern your use of the Service.

9.2 Statute of Limitations

Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of a breach of these Terms or your use of the Service must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. This limitation will not apply to misappropriation or infringement of intellectual property rights.

9.3 Independent Contractors

There are no third-party beneficiaries. CoinsDo and you are not legal partners or agents of each other; instead, our relationship is that of independent contractors. This contract is solely for your and our benefit. It is not for the benefit of any other person, except for permitted successors. You may not assign or delegate these Terms, your obligations, rights or responsibilities. Any attempt by you to do so is void. CoinsDo may assign or delegate these Terms, its obligations, rights and responsibilities, in whole or in part, at any time with or without notice to you.